Opportunity's topographic journey from MOLA shot data

Opportunity's topographic journey from MOLA shot data
Opportunity's topographic journey from MOLA shot data MOLA ground tracks are sparse near Opportunity's landing site. The elevation shown here is from two sets of paths that bracket Opportunity's journey from sol 1 to about sol 2300. One track (orbit 19933) passes to the west of Opportunity's path from Endurance crater to just past San Antonio ("Twin Craters"). It has slightly higher elevation overall than a path that passes to the east of Opportunity's traverse, composed partially of data from orbit 18519 and partially of data from orbit 11056. The orbit 18519 ground track clips the western edge of Victoria crater, producing a deep valley in the topographic profile. Orbit 11056 crosses Opportunity's path at about its sol 2327 position at a spot named Halifax. Now that Opportunity is traveling predominantly east, it will only rarely cross MOLA ground tracks, and the available topographic information gets much sparser. NASA / JPL-Caltech / MOLA team / Emily Lakdawalla