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From the old guard to the new From the old guard to young planetary explorers, MER had it all. Left: MER Deputy P.I. Ray
Arvidson flanked by past and present students, L-R: Scott VanBommel, Kathryn Powell,
Madison Hughes, Abigail Fraeman, who is now MER Deputy Project Scientist. Right: MER
Athena Science team member Mark Lemmon in green shirt and his then-student Keri Bean
from Texas A&M University check out data from the Phoenix lander in 2008 at the University
of Arizona, with Aaron Zent, Uwe Keller, Mike Hecht, Urs Stauffer, and Tom Pike. Bean, now
a Systems Engineer at JPL, worked on MER. Beware: there are now MERtians everywhere. A.J.S. Rayl (left); From the collection of the Phoenix Surface Stereo Imager team (right)