Ian Regan
Contributor, Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
Ian Regan hails from Plymouth, Great Britain. He has a long-time passion for astronomy, particularly for the Apollo Lunar Program and unmanned exploration of the outer planets. His biggest astronomical inspiration is the late British popularizer and TV presenter, Sir Patrick Moore. A contributor to the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, he is also an image-processor for the forthcoming big-screen film "In Saturn's Rings."
Check out Ian's work at his Flickr and YouTube accounts:
Latest Articles
Last month marked the 40th anniversary of the historic Voyager 1 encounter with Jupiter in 1979.
Ian Regan, producer of the Titan segment of In Saturn's Rings, describes the meticulous process of creating the stunning visuals of this shrouded moon.
Amateur image processor Ian Regan shares the story of processing Cassini's final images of the ringed planet.