The Planetary Report is the internationally recognized flagship magazine of The Planetary Society, featuring lively articles and full-color photos to provide comprehensive coverage of discoveries on Earth and other planets.
This quarterly magazine reaches members of The Planetary Society all over the world, with news about planetary missions, spacefaring nations, intrepid explorers, planetary science controversies and the latest findings in humankind's exploration of the solar system.
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Download a subject index to the first 20 years of The Planetary Report (1980-2001)
Past Issues of The Planetary Report
Origins on Ice
Snapshots from Space: Farewell Neptune, by Emily Stewart Lakdawalla; Science Festival Mania, by Kate Howells; Ice in the Solar System, by Julie Castillo-Rogez; Preparing to Sail, by Doug Stetson; Planets at Alpha Centauri? by Bruce Betts; Breaking Sisyphus' Curse, by Casey Dreier
Undulating Beauty
The Dune Whisperers, by Ralph D. Lorenz; China is on the Moon, by Emily Lakdawalla; Revisiting the Year in Pictures; Near-Earth Asteroids, by Bruce Betts; A Unifying Cosmos, by Casey Dreier
10 Years on Mars: The Magic Behind the Mars Exploration Rovers
The Year in Pictures, by Emily Lakdawalla; The Magic of MER, by A.J.S. Rayl, Planetary Dirt Sampling Success, by Bruce Betts; A Shift in the Wind, by Casey Dreier
Polygons on Mars
Bruce Murray: 1931-2013, by Louis Friedman; The Enigmatic Polygons of Mars, by Dorothy Oehler; Forging a New Consensus, by Casey Dreier; Upgrades to the Search, by Bruce Betts; Power From the Isotopes, by Casey Dreier; Planetary Society Kids: What happens when hot lava cools?; Snapshots from Space: Europa in beautiful color
Enhanced Vision
Rewriting the Books, by Linda Spilker; Lunar Water and Weathering, by Amanda Hendrix; Annual Report to Our Members, by Dan Geraci ; Budgetary Whiplash, by Casey Dreier; Near-Earth Asteroids, by Bruce Betts; Planetary Society Kids; Water on the Moon?; Riding the Fiscal Roller Coaster; New NEO Grant Winners; Snapshots from Space Mariner 10; Data Made New Again
The Lure of Europa
The Europa Clipper, by Alyssa Rhoden and Robert Pappalardo; An Ode to Discovery, by Casey Dreier; Storms of Distant Skies, by Michael Carroll; One Alpha Centauri Planet, by Bruce Betts. Planetary Society Kids: What conditions are needed for life to arise? Snaphsots from Space: Curiosity takes a self-portrait