Since 2002, Planetary Radio has visited with a scientist, engineer, project manager, advocate, or writer who provides a unique perspective on the quest for knowledge about our Solar System and beyond. The full show archive is available for free.

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Europa in reflection: A compilation of two decades

With less than two months to go until the highly anticipated launch of NASA's Europa Clipper mission, we take a look back at over twenty years of Planetary Radio episodes about Jupiter's most intriguing moon.

Europa Clipper’s message in a bottle

Bob Pappalardo, Europa Clipper's project scientist, visits The Planetary Society headquarters in Pasadena, CA, to share the story of the mission's vault plate, humanity's next collection of messages to another world.

Cassini’s Dramatic End: A Planetary Radio Reprise

We were there when the Cassini spacecraft ended 13 years of exploration and revelation at Saturn.

Long Live Cassini!

Join us at JPL and Caltech on the bittersweet morning the Cassini spacecraft plunged into Saturn.

Exploring Europa and Mining Asteroids at Yuri’s Night

Our special coverage from the Los Angeles Yuri’s Night party continues with Chris Lewicki of Planetary Resources along with Bob Pappalardo and Boback “Mohawk Guy” Ferdowsi who are preparing an orbiter for Jupiter’s ocean world Europa.

Year of the Icy Worlds

We’ll visit the Jet Propulsion Lab on its Icy Worlds Day to learn more about spacecraft exploring Ceres, Enceladus and Europa from leaders of these missions.

Bob Pappalardo and the Mysteries of Europa

Bob Pappalardo and the Mysteries of Europa

Europa: Life Beneath the Ice?

Highlights from a public forum on what may be found in Europa's ocean and how to reach it, w/ Chris McKay, Bob Pappalardo, Torrence Johnson, and more.