Planetary Radio • Aug 20, 2013

NASA's Charlie Bolden Visits Earth Missions at JPL

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On This Episode

20181212 charles bolden

Charles Bolden

Former Astronaut and Administrator for NASA

Charles Elachi

Director Emeritus of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Two missions are coming together in a high bay clean room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. SMAP and ISS RapidScat went on display for a visit by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. Mat Kaplan and Emily Lakdawalla provide special coverage.  Bill Nye says goodbye to Kepler’s exoplanet discoveries.  Bruce Betts reveals the first human-created object to be successfully recovered from space during What’s Up.

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Trivia Contest

This week's prize is the NEW and stylish Planetary Radio T-shirt! 

This week's question:
In what galaxy did a supernova appear this year?

To submit your answer:
Complete the contest entry form at or write to us at [email protected] no later than Monday, August 26th, at 2pm Pacific Time.  Be sure to include your name, mailing address and shirt size.

Last week's question:
What were the two most recent missions launched specifically to explore Venus, and what have been their fates?

The answer will be revealed next week.

Question from the week before:
What was the first object successfully recovered from orbit?

Discoverer 13's return capsule in August of 1960