Planetary Radio • May 22, 2012

VIP Tour of a Huge Solar Sail BONUS: Falcon 9 and Dragon Head for the ISS!

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On This Episode

Mason Peck

NASA Chief Technologist for NASA

Honorable Dana Rohrabacher

Congressman for US Congress

Join the VIP tour!  Planetary Radio visited L’Garde, Incorporated to see how its giant solar sail is coming together. You’ll hear from Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, NASA Chief Technologist Mason Peck, and L’Garde co-founder Gordon Veal. Emily Lakdawalla and Bruce Betts report on their views of the annular solar eclipse, while Bruce joins Mat in another space trivia contest.  Also, a brief report on the launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 to the International Space Station.

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Trivia Contest

This week's prize is a Planetary Radio T-shirt.

This week's question:
Who performed the first known observation of a Venus transit, and it what year?

To submit your answer:
Send an email no later than Monday, May 28, at 2 pm Pacific time to [email protected] containing:

Last week's question:
What is the current understanding of the value of the Hubble Constant?

Coming soon in next week's show!

Question from the week before:
Who sat in the middle seat of the Apollo 11 Command Module at launch?

Buzz Aldrin sat in the center seat of the command module at the launch of Apollo 11.