Bruce Murray Space Image Library

Ceres' full rotation, Dawn Rotation Characterization 3, May 4, 2015

Ceres' full rotation, Dawn Rotation Characterization 3, May 4, 2015
Ceres' full rotation, Dawn Rotation Characterization 3, May 4, 2015 This animation consists of 44 photos of Ceres taken over one complete Ceres day on May 4, 2015. Dawn was in a polar orbit, moving from north to south, so the ends of the animation don't quite match up. Dust specks have been cleaned from the images by painting over affected pixels. The original animation (which had 51 distinct frames, covering slightly more than one rotation) is available here. NASA / JPL / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA / Emily Lakdawalla

Here is the original animation, specks and all.

Dawn's Ceres Rotation Characterization 3 (uncorrected)
Dawn's Ceres Rotation Characterization 3 (uncorrected) This animation consists of 51 frames shot by Dawn during its Rotation Characterization 3 on May 4, 2015. Dark specks that jump around in the image are artifacts.Image: NASA / JPL / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA


Here is a version with the images separated out individually.

51 views of Ceres, Dawn Rotation Characterization 3, May 4, 2015
51 views of Ceres, Dawn Rotation Characterization 3, May 4, 2015 Dawn took these images of Ceres over slightly more than one complete Ceres day on May 4, 2015. Dust specks have been cleaned from the images by painting over affected pixels. The original animation is available here.Image: NASA / JPL / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA / Emily Lakdawalla