



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

Want more space? Speak up!

Detailed Mars maps, insights into the Venusian surface, and views of Uranian rings all have one thing in common: they don’t happen without public support for space.

Why we need the NEO Surveyor space telescope

A space-based solution like NEO Surveyor will find more asteroids, more quickly, than any ground-based alternative. Combined with deflection technology, this gives humanity a chance to alter its fate should a threatening asteroid be found early enough.

Capturing the Cosmos

This week we have images snapped the old-fashioned and cutting-edge ways, creative ways of thinking about exploration, and artwork that expresses the beauty of it all.

NEO Surveyor is confirmed

After nearly two decades of consideration, NASA made a formal commitment to NEO Surveyor, an asteroid-hunting space telescope.

Sights beyond the visible

See images your eyes wouldn’t normally be able to see, and learn about what these images can teach you.

Defend your planet

With so many asteroids out there, it’s up to us to defend our planet from impacts. Find out how you can make a difference.

Persevering through it all

Exploration will always face setbacks, but this week’s Downlink reminds us of the impressive human ability to persevere.

The Icy Intrigue of Enceladus

Saturn’s icy moon invites further study, and The Planetary Society’s LightSail 2 spacecraft celebrates an anniversary.