Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.
There she goes!
There she goes!
Second stage ignition!
Second stage ignition!
And now, we wait
And now, we wait
Second stage burn complete
Second stage burn complete
Phoenix is now on its way to Mars!
Phoenix is now on its way to Mars!
Phoenix wrapup
Phoenix wrapup
T minus 4 and counting!
T minus 4 and counting!
Go, go Phoenix! 18 hours until launch...
Go, go Phoenix! 18 hours until launch...
Hubble views of Mars' dust storm
Hubble views of Mars' dust storm
Getting ready for Phoenix launch: Step 1: Sleep
Getting ready for Phoenix launch: Step 1: Sleep
Carnival of Space #14, and a rover update
Carnival of Space #14, and a rover update
"Concern Increasing" for Opportunity
Yesterday evening the Mars Exploration Rover mission posted an update that states
Phoenix' second stage has been fueled
Phoenix' second stage has been fueled
Phoenix launch postponed one day
Phoenix launch postponed one day
Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity and Spirit Brave Global Dust Storm
It was to be a Martian summer to remember. Just one month ago, the Mars Exploration Rovers were set to embark on long-awaited adventures. At Meridiani Planum, Opportunity was preparing for its grand entrance into the magnificent Victoria Crater and on the other side of the planet Spirit was finally going to explore the top of Home Plate, an old, intriguing volcanic formation in the Gusev Crater area. Then a series of dust storms hit suddenly, it was a Martian summer to remember alright, but for far different, windswept reasons.
Where are you reading from?
Where are you reading from?
High tau for Spirit and Opportunity
Over the weekend I fiddled with the
New launch date for Kaguya: September 13
New launch date for Kaguya: September 13
A horrible day in space
A horrible day in space
Stars Above, Earth Below: Appreciating Dark Skies
Stars Above, Earth Below: Appreciating Dark Skies