



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

Rocky worlds rock

This week we're all about the rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Dunes and doppelgangers

What can we learn from patterns in the Martian sands? And what’s that Earth-like planet over there?

Proximity and distance

Looking at planets and moons from near and far, and figuring out how to get all the way out there.

LightSail 2 Sails On!

The Planetary Society’s crowdfunded LightSail 2 spacecraft is going strong and still making history.

We Love to Buggy

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo mission that introduced Moon buggies to the world, and catch up on this week’s space news.

The Icy Intrigue of Enceladus

Saturn’s icy moon invites further study, and The Planetary Society’s LightSail 2 spacecraft celebrates an anniversary.

Unlikely Space Travelers

Squid, mice, and stuffed animals may seem like Earthlings, but this week they’re coming to you from space.

LightSail 2 Enters Extended Mission Phase

One year after launch, The Planetary Society’s solar sail spacecraft is embarking on an extended mission dedicated to further advancing solar sailing technology.

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