



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

Another Day in Action

115 members of The Planetary Society from 33 states met with 161 congressional offices to support space science and exploration in 2022.

Space brings out the best in us

Space exploration is at its core an optimistic, peaceful and cooperative endeavor. This week we look at some reminders of that spirit of exploration.

Shoot for the moon that shoots back

Saturn’s moon Enceladus has some intriguing features: snow, ice, geysers, stripes and much more, all waiting to be further explored.

Why we do the Day of Action

It's the most effective way to advocate for space. It also connects members of The Planetary Society with shared dreams for the future.

What sci-fi dreams are made of

From a space station cemetery to a super-resilient spacecraft, the feats of human ingenuity that make space exploration possible are the stuff of science fiction dreams.

Optimism, ethics and pride

The values that have driven space exploration since its beginnings are still going strong today.

The best seat in the solar system

Look at some extraordinary views from space and imagine what you’d see if you had the best seat on SpaceX’s Dragon capsule.

Solar Plasma and Europan Magma

From solar storms to underwater volcanoes and asteroid close calls, catch up on what’s scary and beautiful this week in space.

Seeking Small Worlds

A spacecraft leaves one asteroid as planetary defense experts turn to others.

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