



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

Opportunity's sol 5000 self-portrait

Last week the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity celebrated its 5000th sol on Mars, and it celebrated by taking the first complete Mars Exploration Rover self-portrait.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4857

Opportunity is continuing its drive down Perseverance Valley, a possible channel that was cut in the inner wall of the 22 km-diameter Endeavour impact crater on ancient Mars.

Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Ventures Deeper into Perseverance

Along the western rim of Endeavour Crater, Opportunity forged onward in August vicariously taking the Mars Exploration Rovers team – along with a global contingent of mission observers all around Earth – downhill into Perseverance Valley and deeper into a new chapter in this legendary expedition of the Red Planet.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4782

With the latest drive on sol 4782, Opportunity began the long drive down the floor of Perseverance Valley here on Endeavour Crater.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4766

Opportunity is doing a geologic walkabout at the entrance to Perseverance Valley, an ancient and potentially water-carved feature.

Field Report from Mars: Sol 4718

Opportunity has made the final drive in the month-long process that began way up north inside Endeavour Crater earlier this Earth-year.

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