



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

ExoMars landing site downselections

It hasn't been that long since the Mars Science Laboratory landing site downselection meeting; it was quickly followed by a meeting in Europe on ExoMars, which is currently planned for a 2011 launch.

Cosmos 2

A letter from the Executive Director to the members and supporters of The Planetary Society.

No descent images or sounds from Phoenix

A couple of days ago Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) issued a news notice that explains some of the horse-trading that went on behind the scenes to rescue MARDI, the descent imaging camera that they are building for the Mars Science Laboratory rover.

Dawn Journal: Halfway Through Checkout

Now more than halfway through its 80-day initial checkout phase, the Dawn spacecraft continues to please its fans in mission control and throughout much of the rest of the universe.

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