



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

Swan Song

The final moments of a lunar orbiter, as told in a song composed by the moon itself.

Touching the Stars

Two new programs about renewed interest in the technologies that will enable humanity to cross the interstellar gulf. Lou Friedman talks with Mat from the 100-Year Starship Symposium, while physicist and science fiction author Gregory Benford is Mat's guest for a webcast.

Working Together - Scientists & Historians, Professionals & Amateurs

From October 6 to 11, two divisions of the American Astronomical Society - Planetary Science and History - are meeting together for a combined annual conference. There will be several opportunities for the public to participate: a free public talk, several webcast lectures, a special online event for the Juno flyby of Earth, and a pro-am workshop on how amateur astronomers can contribute to planetary science.

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