



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

Like A Bad Penny: Methane on Mars

With the announcement of Curiosity's detection of methane on Mars, Nicholas Heavens gives us a guide to the history of methane detection on Mars, a discussion of its scientific significance, and a few things to consider when hearing about and asking about the detection.

[Updated] NASA's 2015 Budget Increase is Confirmed

Senate passes the CRomnibus spending bill with an $18.01 billion NASA budget, which includes an increase to planetary science and Europa. The legislation now moves on to the President for his signature.

The YORP Effect and Bennu

The YORP effect is a phenomenon that affects the rotation rate and pole orientation of an asteroid. YORP is an acronym that combines four scientist’s names: Yarkovsky, O’Keefe, Radzievskii, and Paddack.

InSight assembly begins

NASA's next Mars lander is becoming real, now under construction at Lockheed Martin.

Ceres is round!

Okay, so the fact that Ceres is round is not news. It's still thrilling to see Ceres begin to come into focus as a round world.

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