The Mars Exploration Rovers Update Archives

A comprehensive accounting of the Spirit and Opportunity rovers

From 2004 to 2019, journalist A.J.S. Rayl followed the adventures of the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity for The Planetary Society. Her exclusive coverage is archived here. For an overview of the mission itself, visit our Mars Exploration Rovers mission page.

Mars Exploration Rovers Update: NASA Ends Spirit Mission

The intensified effort to recover Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Spirit came to an end early Wednesday morning Pacific time and NASA has now transitioned the mission to a single-rover operation focused on Spirit's still-active twin, Opportunity.

Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Spirit's Silence Haunts, Opportunity Roves on to Endeavour

The Mars Exploration Rover mission experienced a month of highs tempered by one haunting low as it neared completion of its 87th month of a three-month tour this month. While Opportunity wrapped up its work at the youngest, freshest crater the rovers have explored to date, Spirit remained silent as the point of maximum sunshine for the Martian year came and went, further dimming once high hopes that the rover would phone home and rove on as summer settled on the southern hemisphere of Mars.

Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Efforts to Recover Spirit Expand as Opportunity Wraps Up Work at Santa Maria

The Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission emerged from its third solar conjunction this month and, as March roars in, is embarking on its 86th month on the Red Planet. While Opportunity roved away from a surface target it had been studying at Santa Maria Crater and on to an intriguing blue boulder, JPL engineers on Earth stepped up their efforts to recover Spirit, which has been silent, ostensibly in hibernation mode, since late March, nearly one year ago.

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Special Feature

In Memoriam

A tribute to members of the Mars Explorations Rovers team who passed away during the mission.