The Mars Exploration Rovers Update Archives

A comprehensive accounting of the Spirit and Opportunity rovers

From 2004 to 2019, journalist A.J.S. Rayl followed the adventures of the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity for The Planetary Society. Her exclusive coverage is archived here. For an overview of the mission itself, visit our Mars Exploration Rovers mission page.

Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Digs In at Matijevic Hill

While Curiosity and her team found themselves entangled in a media furor over comments, assumptions, and rumors of findings that have yet to be found, Opportunity roved on in November, finishing up the geologic survey of Matijevic Hill and setting a new mileage record along the way.

Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Begins Reconnaissance of Matijevic Hill

After spending much of October driving around and taking pictures on Matijevic Hill, Opportunity hunkered down for Halloween and spent the holiday quietly, staying out of mischief's way and the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) mission roved another month closer to its ninth anniversary of working on the surface of the Red Planet.

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Special Feature

In Memoriam

A tribute to members of the Mars Explorations Rovers team who passed away during the mission.