Emily LakdawallaNov 03, 2011

Print publications galore!

November has already been a very good month for me in the print publication realm. I've had published not one, but two, feature articles on Curiosity, the Mars Science Laboratory rover. The one I wrote first is in the December 2011 issue of Sky & Telescope, and the one I wrote second is in the "September Equinox" issue of The Planetary Report. Although there is of course some overlap between the two, I wrote them as complementary articles, so if you read and enjoy one, you should check out the other one too. Loosely speaking, the Sky & Tel one, "Face to Face with a Giant," focuses on the rover, while the Planetary Report one, "Target: Gale," focuses on its future home on Mars. (I wrote and submitted the first before Gale had been selected as the landing site.)

Sky & Telescope, December 2011
Sky & Telescope, December 2011 Image: Sky & Telescope

To get the Sky & Tel one, you can subscribe on their website or pick up a copy at a newsstand.

The Planetary Report, September 2011
The Planetary Report, September 2011

The Planetary Report one you can get by becoming a member of the Planetary Society, which has the added benefit of supporting my work on this blog! Do please consider helping me and the rest of the Planetary Society continue to provide informative blogs, podcasts, and good old-fashioned print articles on the subjects that inspire you. (Is it too early in the year to suggest you buy gift memberships for others?)

These two articles are not all; I've gotten published abroad, too. This month the Australian Sky & Telescope printed an article I wrote for the domestic Sky & Tel earlier this year, "Pummeling the Planets," about the conundrum of the Late Heavy Bombardment. And, as icing on the cake, Tähdet ja avaruus, a Finnish science magazine, published a feature article on me! All in all, a good month.

Three articles by Emily
Three articles by Emily

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