Emily Lakdawalla • Jan 24, 2008
I spy Callisto
I've been noodling around a bit more with the data, recently released to the Planetary Data System, from New Horizons' Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC). Unlike New Horizons' higher-resolution but monochrome Long-range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI), MVIC couldn't be used during much of the Jupiter flyby because it was too sensitive; the relatively bright light levels at Jupiter's distance from the Sun overwhelmed MVIC's detectors. The prettiest MVIC images were taken late in the flyby, with the Sun lighting Jupiter's moons as crescents. My favorite image to date was this one, which I wrote about in May, showing Io and Europa floating together in space.
I keep on finding more treasures as I dig through this data set. It's not a large one as data sets go, just about a thousand images from LORRI and about a hundred from MVIC, but each one is a treat. I'm working on figuring out how to post the data set in a format that will make it easier for more of you to find your own buried treasure.
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