Emily Lakdawalla • Jul 30, 2007
Where are you reading from?
I've just added a neat little feature to the blog homepage, a "Clustrmap" that identifies where my readers are connecting from. I've been having a lot of fun checking it every day to see where in the world all of you are. (It does this by looking at where your IP address is registered.) I've now moved the map to the top of the page to make it easier to find. For those of you who read this blog via an RSS feedreader, you won't be counted; if you have a spare moment, I'd love it if you could open a browser window and go to http://planetary.org/blog to make at least one mark on the map. There's one on the bottom of the Planetary Radio homepage too.
Speaking of Planetary Radio, this week's interview features Phoenix Principal Investigator Peter Smith, who's getting ready for their period window to open early Friday morning!
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