



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society. 

August Advocacy Update: Where We Stand

Planetary exploration sees strong support from both parties in the current budget process, but we have a long way to go before a budget is passed this year.

Remembering the Pluto Campaign: A Success Story

The New Horizons mission to Pluto survived many near-death encounters with cancellation during its development. The Planetary Society worked the whole time to ensure it would launch.

Congress Rejects NASA's First Operating Plan

NASA's plan to raid Planetary Science funding to pay for sequester cuts in other science programs was rejected by Congress earlier this month. NASA is now working on a new plan that has yet to be submitted for approval.

The Goal is Mars

Today, The Planetary Society submitted our white paper to the National Research Council's call for

Bad Budget News for NASA's Planetary Exploration Program

The Administration just released its proposed budget for 2014 and it contains some very bad news for NASA's planetary exploration program. Just three weeks ago the U.S. Congress rejected similar cuts proposed for planetary exploration last year. It was a clear statement of support by both Congress and the public: planetary exploration is an affordable national priority.

Washington Update

Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson spoke to the House Science committee about the importance of space and scientific research. Bill Nye also visited with Congressman Culberson and Congressman Wolf's chief of staffabout supporting NASA's Planetary Science Program.

Tiptoeing Towards the Edge

NASA's Planetary Science Division looks to lose about $100 million in addition to the deep cuts already proposed for 2013.

What We're Fighting For

We're fighting for the restoration of NASA's planetary sciences budget to return to its 2012 level. What does that get us? New financial analysis from our sources in the scientific community provides us a glimpse.

Mars Program Update from MEPAG

Bruce Betts reports on the status of the current and future Mars program and on acronyms from a meeting of NASA's MEPAG (Mars Exploration Analysis Program Analysis Group).

The OMB Didn't See This Coming

In ten days, our members and supporters sent over 17,000 emails to staff members who create and influence NASA's planetary science budget. The public support is there. We're making difference but not letting up.

Sequestration and Planetary Science

The sequestration is coming on January 2nd, 2013. If Congress does nothing to prevent it, NASA's planetary science division stands to lose an additional $97 million to the already-proposed cut of $309 million for 2013.

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